Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 2.0 or greater within 2000 km
Update time = 26/04/2024 08:21

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
4 km SW of Grębocice, Poland 4.1 000475475 km 171406368025/04/2024 18:48 map
69 km W of Kýthira, Greece 4.2 0014741474 km 171398991024/04/2024 22:18 map
63 km SE of Lárdos, Greece 4.4 0018291829 km 171381398922/04/2024 21:26 map
19 km NNW of YeÅŸilyurt, Turkey 4.1 0019891989 km 171370101521/04/2024 14:03 map
10 km ENE of Néon Karlovásion, Greece 4.3 0015471547 km 171351374019/04/2024 10:02 map

5 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.